Because one person disobeyed God,
many became sinners.
But because one other person obeyed God,
many will be made righteous.
Romans 5:19 (NLT)
Being righteous doesn't mean that you're perfect.
It doesn't mean that you don't make mistakes.
Righteousness is being in right standing with God.
When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior,
and surrendered your life to Him,
at that moment you were made righteous.
You have been born into God's very own family.
You did nothing to earn this righteousness,
it is simply a gift to you from your Heavenly Father.
Because of Jesus' obedience to pay the price of our sins,
we are made righteous through Him!
Proverbs 28:1 tells us that "the righteous are as bold as a lion."
The only way you are going to have that kind of boldness
is to stand believing in what God has done for you through Christ.
When you know that you are in Christ,
that your sins have been forgiven,
and that God has accepted you and declared you to be righteous,
then you are going to stand up straight and tall
with the boldness and confidence God really wants you to have.
Walk in His gift of righteousness today
so you can move forward in the boldness
and victory God has for you!
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son
to pay the penalty for my sin.
As a believer in Jesus,
I receive Your righteousness by faith today
so that I can live in boldness and
confidence all the days of my life.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.