Monday, January 25, 2010

90 Days of Wisdom: Day 24

If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!
(Proverbs 24:10)

The high school basketball team I'm working with found themselves up by eight points last Tuesday. It was the first time all season we had a lead at half-time. I began thinking that all the instruction, drills, and hard work were finally starting to pay off. At the end of the third quarter, we were losing... by 16!! OUCH!!!!

How did that happen? The other team, which was bigger and older, came out angry and began to press. Our team knew what to do, but instead of executing the plan, they panicked and the turnovers began to mount. Before we knew it, we were losing.

How do you handle pressure? Do you rise up to the occasion and meet the challenge? Or do you falter? All of us have fallen apart under pressure. Use this as a wake-up call to grow stronger and be ready for the next time it happens.

Failure does not need to be final. Let failure be a reminder to grow stronger.

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