Thursday, January 21, 2010

90 Days of Wisdom: Day 21

In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil,
but a foolish man devours all he has.
(Proverbs 21:20)

It's Pay Day!!! Even if you detest your job, you look forward to going to work on pay day. Getting that pay check reminds us why we work. The problem is many people have their entire pay check spent before they even get it!

It's amazing how quickly we can blow through money. For some of us, holding on to our money is like trying to hold water in our hands.

God's wisdom touches every area of our lives... including our finances. In the verse above we learn an important principle: put some back! The wise have stores of food and oil because they don't devour it all on pay day!!

Here's a good rule of thumb for handling your money: The 10-10-80 rule. Every pay day give 10% to God... 10% to savings... and 80% for everything else. If consumer debt makes this unfeasible, then give 10% to God... 10% toward debt-relief (after all, the interest your paying on your credit cards is way more than the interest your making in a savings account) and 80% for everything else.

By doing this, we keep ourselves from being labeled "foolish."

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