Friday, January 15, 2010

90 Days of Wisdom: Day 15

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. (Proverbs 15:1)

It's been a long day. You've worked hard all day and you finally arrive at home, totally spent. You've barely sat down in your favorite chair when your spouse walks up and hits one of your hot buttons (you know what I'm talking about). Your response at that moment will determine the rest of your evening.

Whether at work, at home, at church, or at a ball game, opportunities to be provoked will arise. At this point you can do one of two things: you can react... or you can respond.

Reacting is a negative response that is usually based on your emotions at the moment. Think of it this way: suppose you go to the doctor and are given a prescription. You take the prescription and have a 'medical reaction.' That's not good... you may be allergic to the medication and so your body is reacting negatively to it. That's what a harsh word does to a relationship. Your negative reaction, be it sarcasm, yelling, or a cold shoulder, will in turn produce another negative reaction in the person with whom you are dealing.

Responding, though is positive. When your body 'responds' to medication that means the prescription is having its desired effect. When you give a gentle answer, your words can diffuse what could have been a volatile situation.

Today let's choose our words carefully. When the opportunities for conflict come, remember that you are holding two teaspoons. One is vinegar... the other is honey. The teaspoon you decide to react/respond with will determine the course of that conversation.

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