Monday, August 24, 2009

Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6

Prayer is God's antidote for anxiety.
As a child of God, you have no reason to worry.
You have a Heavenly Father who is both
willing and able to answer your requests.

What is it that's weighing on you the most right now?
I encourage you to take a moment and talk to God about it.
We're not designed to carry worry around with us all the time.
Doctors are discovering that worry can eventually lead to physical illnesses.

The next time worry or anxiety knocks on your door,
shut the door to worry and open the door to God's throne room!
Spend time talking with God about the problem,
by faith, claim victory over the it,
and keep moving on with your life!

Thank you for your continued prayers for
The Carpenter's Church.
You are making a difference!

Have a powerful & blessed day!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Psalm 55:17

Evening and morning, and at noon,
I will pray and cry aloud;
and He shall hear my voice.
Psalm 55:17

Nutritionists tell us that several small meals per day
is healthier for us than two or three large meals.
Our bodies digest and assimilate food better when
we eat smaller portions every three to four hours.

I'm beginning to think, that at least for me,
prayer is much the same.
Praying several times throughout the day
keeps us spiritually alert
in a better way than praying one long
extended prayer either early in the morning
or at night before going to sleep.

The Psalmist prayed in the morning,
in the evening,
and at noon.
At least three times per day he found himself
before his Lord, crying out with his needs.

Let me encourage you to try this same practice for the next week.
Pray several times each day:
shortly after you first wake up...
at 7:58am, for The Carpenter's Church
before each event of the day (work, meetings, meals, your workout)
at 7:58 pm for The Carpenter's Church
and before you retire for the evening.

Praying several times a day
keeps you in tune with God.
It sharpens your spiritual perception.
Just as eating several small meals throughout the day
gives your body food in portions that it can
break down and use as energy without turning any of it to fat,
praying throughout the day
energizes us spiritually and helps us to learn
what it means to walk with God, keep Him close,
and truly be His friend.

Have a powerful & blessed day...
and I hope to see you at The Carpenter's Church this evening
for MidPoint Praise & Bible Study!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Psalm 46:10

"Be still, and know that I am God.."
Psalm 46:10

Yesterday as we were driving home from Myrtle Beach
my phone alarm went off at 7:58,
reminding us that it was time to pray.

I kept driving and my family and I
shared a round of prayer.

Sometimes we find ourselves praying on the run.
That's OK... that's life.

However, it is a good habit to get quiet before God.
When we take the extra few minutes
to shut off the world around us
and silence our thoughts
then we can remember the greatness of our God.

As you pray today, take an extra minute or two
to sit quietly before the Lord.
Listen for His still small voice.
Remind yourself that He is God,
and that He is willing and able
to hear your prayer
and answer!

Have a powerful and blessed day!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Psalm 4:1

Answer me when I call to you,
O my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
~Psalm 4:1

When we cry out to God,
He hears us
and extends His hand of mercy
towards us.

Whatever you are going through today,
although it may be bigger than you,
it's not bigger than God.

He stands
and able
to be your relief in the middle of your storm.

Just remember,
sometimes God delivers us from the storm...
at other times He delivers us through the storm.

Have a powerful & blessed day!