For this reason I remind you
to fan into flame the gift of God,
which is in you...
2 Timothy 1:6
I believe that God has planted
a sense of purpose, a vision, talents
and abilities in every one of us.
You have been endowed with
seeds of greatness.
All of us have dreams and desires,
things we want to accomplish,
and a vision of doing something
great for God.
But many times life has a way
of stealing our dreams.
We experience disappointments,
face adversity, things don't turn
out as we would like.
When this happens, many people
end up settling for second best.
However, God doesn't want us
to settle for second best.
He doesn't want you to allow
your vision to die.
His desire is for us to be determined,
press on, and pursue the greatness
He has planted inside of us.
We should never settle for second best.
Neither should we ever let "good enough"
be good enough.
Stir yourself up and get your fire back!
Start speaking victory over your future.
Remind yourself of the God-given vision
He gave you, and stand firm on it.
Get around people of excellence who
live passionately.
Fan into flame what is in you
so you can move forward and be
a positive force for God in this world.
Have a blessed & powerful day!
Heavenly Father, I come to You today
and give you my disappointments, setbacks,
hurts, and broken dreams.
I ask You to restore my passion and vision
for the future. Let your flame burn
brightly in me now and forever.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.