Shifting Gears
On Saturday, June 1, my family loaded up the Explorer and headed out for a week of vacation fun with all of my wife's relatives. Yes, I was going to spend a week surrounded by my in-laws! Our trip to Gulf Shores, Alabama was going to take about seven and a half hours, according to the GPS on my iPhone. We left Anderson, and were making great time, until we got inside the I-285 perimeter around Atlanta. About a mile inside the perimeter, traffic came to a sudden stop. It was about 11:30. Our plan was to get through Atlanta before stopping for lunch. Suddenly, though, the four of us were stuck in the middle of five lanes of southbound traffic log-jam. As if it were going to help, I began changing lanes, hoping that this would some how spring us loose and get us moving again. Nothing helped, though. Evidently road workers had decided to use our vacation travel day to shut off three lanes of traffic in order to dig a two-foot wide trench on I-85, as two hours of snail-paced crawling finally came to an end.
We've all been stuck in traffic. Also, we've all found ourselves stuck in life. The truth is, life has a tendency to do that. When Joshua became the leader of the People of Israel, they had been stuck for forty years. However, God had a plan to get His people moving again. In Joshua 1:1-9, we find three "shifts" that we need to make in order to get our lives out of the spiritual log-jam we may be in and to get moving again.
1. Shift from Looking Backward to Looking Forward.
After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua son of Nun, "Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give them--to the Israelites. Joshua 1:1-2
For forty years, Moses had led the Israelites. He was the only leader they had ever known and yet he wasn't able to move them from the Wilderness to the Promised Land. Joshua had to have thought to himself, "If Moses couldn't accomplish this, how in the world can I?"
In order to move the people across the Jordan River, Joshua was going to have to make a shift from looking backward, and dwelling on the past, to looking forward and seizing God's plan for their future. This was no small shift, as the past has a strong pull.
Each of us is influenced by our past. Many are controlled by their past. Whether it is their high expectations that were never realized, great accomplishments that they still glory in, or dismal failures that still haunt them, many people are so caught up in their yesterdays that they have no motivation to deal with today.
Every person has a past... and that past will paralyze them if they let. At the same time, every person has a future... a future that will free them if they will focus their attention on it and begin moving in that direction.
Here's the good news for today. God has a plan for the rest of your life, and His plan is a good plan. It is a powerful plan that is not chained to all the mistakes you've made in your past. Because of Jesus, our past does not have to dictate our future.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
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