"Be still, and know that I am God.."
Psalm 46:10
Yesterday as we were driving home from Myrtle Beach
my phone alarm went off at 7:58,
reminding us that it was time to pray.
I kept driving and my family and I
shared a round of prayer.
Sometimes we find ourselves praying on the run.
That's OK... that's life.
However, it is a good habit to get quiet before God.
When we take the extra few minutes
to shut off the world around us
and silence our thoughts
then we can remember the greatness of our God.
As you pray today, take an extra minute or two
to sit quietly before the Lord.
Listen for His still small voice.
Remind yourself that He is God,
and that He is willing and able
to hear your prayer
and answer!
Have a powerful and blessed day!
just wanted thank god for the messages god has layed on lour heart.And wanted to say you and your wife are doin awsome job.I hope that the lord continues to bless the chruch and it grows,peoples lives are changed and people get saved.