Shifting Gears--part 3
Fear is our enemy's greatest weapon against us. Fear paralyzes us and keeps us from experiencing our God-given destiny. If we are going to become people who accomplish all that God has for us to accomplish and live the abundant life Jesus promised, we must make a shift from living according to our fears to living according to our faith. It is as we make the first two shifts mentioned in previous posts that this shift begins to take place.
Fear is the result of looking back instead of looking forward. Focusing on past failures and mistakes will paralyze us and keep us from ever attempting anything.
Fear is also the result of focusing on seen reality rather than the unseen reality of God's presence and promises. When we focus on what we see happening around us, our response will be F.E.A.R.: Forget Everything And Run. However, when our focus is on The Lord--His presence, His promises, and His Word to us--F.E.A.R. takes on a totally different meaning. It becomes this: Focus Energy and Accept Responsibility. In other words, fear is transformed into faith.
Fear is not from The Lord. 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
God has a plan for the rest of your life. No matter what has taken place in your past, He can turn it all around from this point forward. In fact, if He were to pull the curtain back and show you His plan for the rest of your life, and how your life will turn out if you follow it, everyone one of us would take it. However, if God showed it all to us beforehand, there would be no need for faith. Faith is stepping out and trusting that His plan is the best plan.