Monday, November 15, 2010

A Vital Necessity

Now set your mind and heart
to seek (inquire of and require
as your vital necessity)
the Lord your God.
1 Chronicles 22:19 (AMP)

What can't you live without?
What things do you consider a
vital necessity in your life?

Most people immediately think
of food, water, and shelter...
but in we reality, we cannot really
live unless our minds and hearts
are set on seeking the Lord.
We can exist without seeking Him,
but every one of us is called to more
than just existence.

You have complete control over
what you set your mind and heart on.
You decide what you'll think about.
Today, I encourage you to set your
mind and heart on seeking the Lord!
Write down your favorite scriptures
and commit them to memory.
Throughout each day, think about
those verses.
Think about God and His infinite love.
Make a habit of seeking Him and
ask Him to reveal Himself to you.

When you require the Lord as a
vital necessity, you will enjoy living
the abundant life He has in store
for you!

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Heavenly Father, today I choose to set my mind on You.
I seek You with my whole heart.
Show me Your love and character today.
Show me Your ways that I may walk
and live closely with You.
I love You.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Out of the Pit

He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me as I walked along.
Psalm 40:2

Do you feel like you are in a pit today?
Financial struggles, a sick child,
a habit that you don't seem to be
able to overcome, or a
relationship that has gone bad
can bring us to a point of
frustration, disappointment,
or even discouragement.

When you are in a pit,
it's difficult to see a way out.
But in these times you've got to
remind yourself that God is still with you.
He will make a way where there seems to be no way.

God will never waste any experience
you go through in life.
If you'll maintain and attitude of trust,
He will turn your situation around
for your good.
It doesn't matter how you got there,
whether it was by your own poor choices
more maybe someone else has treated you
unfairly. God wants to use that
situation to do a work in you.
You may be uncomfortable at times,
but realize that you are growing,
and God is building your character.

Today, choose to shake off any negative,
self-defeating mindsets.
Choose to cooperate with God.
Trust that He is preparing you for
greater things.
As you live with an attitude of
faith, expectancy, and thanksgiving,
He will lift you up and set you on
the solid path of victory!

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Father God, today I lift my eyes to You,
for my help comes from You.
Thank You for working in my life.
Thank You for using every situation
in my life for my good.
I bless You today no matter what is
going on around me, knowing that You
have a good plan for me.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friday, November 5, 2010

It's a New Day!

He who was seated on the throne
said, “I am making everything new!”
Revelation 21:5

Perhaps at one time you had a
big dream to do something great for God.
You were determined to excel in your career,
or excel as a parent,
or even excel in your walk with the Lord.
You started out strong, with good intentions,
but maybe along the way things got
a little difficult and your dream did not
happen as quickly as you thought it would.
At that point many people say to themselves,
"Let's just settle here. It's not exactly
what we wanted, but at least it's good enough."

Remind yourself of this every day:
you were created for more than good enough!
Just because things haven't worked out
as you had planned, doesn't mean you
need to stop and settle.

Today is a new day!
Now is the time to dig your heals in
and begin again.
God's plan for you is just as big today
as it has ever been.

If you have settled for good enough
in any area of your life,
take the first step into a new day
by declaring, "I am not going to settle
for mediocrity. I am made for so much more!
Things may be difficult, but I am pressing
forward. I'm going to keep believing and I'm
going to be all God created me to be!"

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Heavenly Father, thank You for this new day.
Thank You for the opportunity to begin again.
I choose to press forward and keep believing
for the dreams and desires You've placed
in my heart. I trust You today with everything
that I am. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fan the Flame

For this reason I remind you
to fan into flame the gift of God,
which is in you...
2 Timothy 1:6

I believe that God has planted
a sense of purpose, a vision, talents
and abilities in every one of us.
You have been endowed with
seeds of greatness.
All of us have dreams and desires,
things we want to accomplish,
and a vision of doing something
great for God.

But many times life has a way
of stealing our dreams.
We experience disappointments,
face adversity, things don't turn
out as we would like.
When this happens, many people
end up settling for second best.

However, God doesn't want us
to settle for second best.
He doesn't want you to allow
your vision to die.
His desire is for us to be determined,
press on, and pursue the greatness
He has planted inside of us.
We should never settle for second best.
Neither should we ever let "good enough"
be good enough.

Stir yourself up and get your fire back!
Start speaking victory over your future.
Remind yourself of the God-given vision
He gave you, and stand firm on it.
Get around people of excellence who
live passionately.
Fan into flame what is in you
so you can move forward and be
a positive force for God in this world.

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Heavenly Father, I come to You today
and give you my disappointments, setbacks,
hurts, and broken dreams.
I ask You to restore my passion and vision
for the future. Let your flame burn
brightly in me now and forever.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

But those who plan what is good
find love and faithfulness.
Proverbs 14:22

There are so many negative voices
in the world today that it is easy
to get your focus turned in the
wrong direction.
Negative minded people seem
to be around every corner.
If you try to live by just letting
your life unfold, you are
setting yourself up to be
caught in the trap of
somebody's negativity.

Instead, we need to wake up
every morning planning for what is good.
When we plan for what is good,
the Bible tells us that we find love.
The Bible also teaches us that God is love.
So, when we plan for what is good,
we will find God in the middle of our plans.

Do you need more of God in your life?
Do you need more love, peace and faithfulness?
Plan for what is good and you will find God.
You'll find His peace and joy.
You will also find His victory unfolding in your life!

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the good plan You have for my life.
I choose Your plan and ask that You direct my mind and thoughts
according to Your purposes. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Forever Begins Today!

...and I will dwell in the house
of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23:6

Did you know that as a believer
in Jesus Christ, your past
is forgiven AND your future
is secure.

We do not need to waste
our time fretting over what
tomorrow holds.
In a world that is growing
more and more pessimistic
concerning the future,
we can be optimistic
because of God's promises
to us.

We have the opportunity
to live every day in God's presence.
He will not only be with us
forever in heaven,
He is with us right now.
He will be with us tomorrow,
next week, next year, and
every day throughout our lives.

The Apostle Paul put it like this:
"For me to live is Christ [His life in me],
and to die is gain [the gain of the
glory of eternity]." Phil. 1:21 (AMP)

Whatever it is you are dealing with today,
and whatever issues are waiting on you
tomorrow, you do not have to face
them on your own.
God is with you!

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Heavenly Father, thank You for being with me.
Strengthen me to remember Your presence
as I live today and every day.
Thank You for being there, through
every circumstance and every trial.
Your presence insures my victory!
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mercy Is Following You

Surely... mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life...
Psalm 23:6 (NKJV)

Goodness and mercy are God's two sheep dogs.
Just as a shepherd uses these well-trained animals
to keep the flock safe and moving in the right direction,
our Heavenly Shepherd uses goodness and mercy
to insure that we reach our God-given destiny.

Every day we are tempted and we've all
blown it more times than we'd like to admit.
When this happens, the enemy tempts us
to believe that it's over, that God is finished with us
and that we'll never amount to anything.

Remember that mercy if following you.
Mercy means that when you are going
through a tough time--even one of your
own making--that God is there to help
you out of it.

The Bible teaches us that
mercy triumphs over judgment.
This means that even though we deserve
God's judgment and the penalty that
comes with it, because Jesus took
that judgment for us, we can receive
God's mercy.

Are you walking under a cloud of
self-condemnation today?
Are you defeated because of bad
decisions you've made in the past,
decisions that have hurt you and others?
God's mercy allows you to step out from
under the dark cloud of condemnation
and walk in the light of His love and goodness.

Have a Blessed & Powerful Day!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the mercy You have shown
me through Jesus' work for me on the cross.
Thank You that I do not need to be bound to my past
sins, but I can walk in freedom today.
Forgive me where I have failed.
Strengthen me to walk in Your freedom today.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Goodness Is Following You

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Psalm 23:6 (NKJV)

God has a way of taking every hardship
you encounter and use it--not to beat you down
and make your life miserable.
Instead, God is working to take that difficulty
and supernaturally turn it around and use it
to bring you good.
God uses tough times to make you stronger,
more mature, and prepared for greater
works of service!

Wherever you are right now,
goodness is following you!

You may not understand everything
that's going on in your life right now,
but I encourage you to stand in faith.
Instead of getting caught up in your
circumstance, get caught up in your God!

God is working in your life.
Stay faithful to Him and
continue doing the right thing.
Be sure that in the end God is going
to turn things around in your favor.

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your
goodness and faithfulness in my life.
Thank You for all You've done for me
in my past and for what You are preparing
for my future. Help me keep my eyes on You.
Strengthen me to stand in You and look
for Your goodness every day.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friday, October 22, 2010

God's Ways

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

Are you going through a situation in your life
that you don't quite understand?
In times like these, it's natural to question things.
However, during times of uncertainty it is vital
that you continue to put your trust in God.

During times of uncertainty,
we need to remember that God's ways
are not our ways
and we won't always understand
what He is seeking to accomplish in our lives.
The Bible tells us that adversity will come,
but God is the one who promises to
lead us through to victory.

Serving God means the we are going
to have some unanswered questions.
You may never understand why a relationship
ended sooner than you would have liked.
You may never understand why you lost a loved one.
You may never understand why you went through
something difficult or why your prayers
seemingly went unanswered.

In times like these, you have to determine
to lay your questions aside and go on with God.
We must decide to trust His character even
when our circumstances don't make sense.
Remember, He has promised that He is
going to work your difficulties to your advantage.
He is faithful to His Word,
and you can be sure that He will!

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Heavenly Father, I choose to trust You with my unanswered questions.
I choose to release any doubt and confusion I have to You.
Empower me to focus on Your Word which is truth
that sets me free. Thank You for Your goodness
and for the blessings You have in store for me.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Resist Fear

Withstand him; be firm in faith
[against his onset--rooted, established,
strong, immovable, and determined]
1 Peter 5:9 (AMP)

Fear must be confronted in order
for it to be conquered.
When you make the mistake of dwelling
on your fears, the next thing you know
you'll be rationalizing why you cannot
do what God is telling you to do.
Soon after that, you will have developed
a negative mindset that will make your
initial fears much more difficult to overcome.

When God told David to go fight Goliath,
the Bible says that David moved quickly
toward the battlefield.
He did not waste time and energy
thinking about it; he just did it.
David did not give fear a chance
to grip his heart and talk him out of it.
He simply did what God wanted him to do.

Have you allowed fear to put you on the
sideline of life?
Are you allowing the tremendous potential
that God has placed inside you go untapped
because you keep listening to the enemy's
voice of fear, instead of God's call to faith?
Have you neglected your God-given vision
of victory for your life because every time
the enemy brings fear, you swallow his lies
hook, line and sinker?

Obey God quickly.
Resist fear and boldly embrace
everything the Lord has in store
for you!

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Heavenly Father, today I choose to resist fear.
I choose Your Word. I choose Your love.
I believe that with You all things are possible.
Thank You for giving me the power to live
in victory in every area of my life.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Overcoming Fear

For God has not given us
a spirit of fear and timidity,
but of power, love, and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

How much power does fear have over you?
Many people are missing out on God's
abundant life of joy, peace and victory
because they are paralyzed by fear.
They are afraid to make a decision,
afraid to confront issues,
afraid to step out in faith,
afraid of the past
and afraid of the future.
It is not God's will that
any of us live this way!

Fear is not from God.
The tendency to shrink back
from life's challenges was not
put in your heart by Him.
Instead, God has given you power,
and His power is greater than
the power of fear.

We must deal aggressively with fear.
You cannot be passive and expect
to live in victory.
The only way to conquer fear
is to confront it head on.
It's amazing how fear dissipates
when we face it instead of ignoring it
or running from it.
When we face and confront our fears,
we quickly learn that fear is simply
False Evidence Appearing Real.

Be strong-willed and resolute,
knowing that the enemy is already defeated.
As you declare God's Word that says you
can be bold and strong, you will have the
courage to conquer fear and moved
confidently into the abundant life
He has for you!

Have a blessed & powerful day!

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me power to overcome fear.
I choose to face fear head on and drive it out of my life.
Show me any areas of my life where fear is holding me back
so that I can press forward into the life of victory
You have for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.